Staying healthy, regardless of your age

Single phase program duration

Common Chronic Conditions

More than 10% of Canadians aged 65 years or older are living with one of the following conditions. With increasing age, there are more and more people living with multiple conditions at the same time:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Arthritis
  • Back problems (injury, conditions)
  • Eye conditions
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Urinary incontinence

Why is exercise important as you age?

Chronic conditions may be prevalent among the aging Canadian population, but a healthy lifestyle can still be promoted. In fact, staying physically active is considered a “health-promoting behaviour” by Health Canada. This means that physical activity can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, and potentially lessen some of the risks associated with chronic condition(s) you are living with.

Therefore, regardless of your age or current health status (i.e. if you are living with 0, 1, 2, or 3 chronic conditions), physical activity should be a priority for the aging population to optimize health and well-being.

Health-Promoting Behaviours

What are some other “health-promoting behaviours” that the aging population should prioritize in their day-to-day lives?
Along with staying physically active, there are many other things that older individuals can do, living with chronic conditions or not, to promote a healthy lifestyle:

  • Stop smoking
  • Eat healthfully, and be sure to eat fruits and vegetables regularly
  • Consume alcohol in a safe, smart, and non-excessive manner

Topics covered over the 12 week Vitality program

  • Role of the Kin, role of the client
  • How to integrate an exercise program into daily life
  • Good posture and abdominal muscle roles
  • How to get up from a fall
  • Why strength training is important
  • Restful sleep
  • What is proprioception and how to train it
  • Why is stretching important
  • Energy conservation principles
  • How to improve reaction time and why
  • "Fear of falling" cycle
  • Long-term adherence to exercise habits

Book an appointment

Our team is here to guide you to the best decision, for you. Contact us for more information.

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COVID-19: In response to the pandemic, WillKin has adapted the delivery of its services by now offering all of its programs remotely.